Medication for minor ailments
Starting January 1, 2023, patients across Ontario can visit their local pharmacist to assess and prescribe medication for minor conditions, such as pink eye, eczema, and urinary tract infections. These conditions are called minor ailments. They are common, uncomplicated, and short-term health conditions that can be diagnosed and managed with minimal treatment and self-care at home.
Conditions that can be prescribed for include:

(Allergic Rhinitis)
You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Stuffy nose or runny nose
Itchy nose, eye, or throat
Typically, more than 7 days of continuous symptoms

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
White or creamy-white spots / patches on the lips, inside of mouth, tongue and / or the roof of the mouth
Cottage cheese-like appearance
Patches can be scraped off
Dry mouth and / or loss of taste

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Eye redness and difficulty opening eyes in the morning
Appearance of sticky or watery fluids from the eye
Mild scratching, itching, or burning sensation
Bright lights hurt your eyes

(Atopic, Eczema)
You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Dry, red, and itchy skin
Cracked and oozed blisters
Darker or lighter patches of skin
Scaly and patchy skin

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Pain and cramps in the lower abdominal area
Pain in the lower back and starting a few hours before onset of a period
Pain can last a few hours to days

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Burping / stomach acid rise from the stomach into the mouth
Burning feeling in the stomach or lower chest rising to the neck
Trouble getting a good night's sleep because of heartburn
Pain in the middle of the upper stomach area

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Itching, burning or swollen (with or without pain) around the anal / rectum area
Bright red blood during / after bowel movement
Constipation and difficulty in having a bowel movement
Presence of a lump in the anal / rectum area

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Rash or bump around border of the lip
Presence of clear, sticky fluid around the rash
Itching, tingling, or burning may lead to the rash
Redness or inflamed skin around the rash

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Bump that changes into a blister surrounded by rash
Yellow discharge that dries to form a "golden" or "honey-colored" crust
Can affect face, arms or legs

You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Small bump or blister. May feel pain, itching, redness or swelling.
Feeling of a sharp burning pain which can sting

(Prevention of Lyme Disease)
You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Tick bite by black-legged tick
A red lump present, but swelling, blistering, bruising, itching or other infections may develop
Mild allergic reaction (hives, rash, and light swelling at the bite site)

(Sprains and Strains)
You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Pain, swelling or tenderness (light to medium)
Redness or bruising
Limited motion and muscle weakness
Injury is associated with overworking or muscle / joint injured

(Urinary Tract Infections)
You may experience some of the symptoms below:
Frequent urination, pain while urinating and difficulty holding in urine
Pain in lower abdomen and a small amount of blood in the urine
Absence of vaginal discharge
Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
NOTE: Pharmacists can only assess and prescribe for Females.

To obtain a Paxlovid prescription, please review the steps below:
You must have tested positive for COVID-19.
Determine your eligibility to receive a Paxlovid prescription. Please visit the government of Ontario website HERE for eligibility details.
Book a virtual appointment or a phone consultation to get assessed by a Pharmacist and receive a prescription for Paxlovid.
Your Pharmacy team will coordinate with you how to receive the prescription.

What is a Minor Ailment?Minor illnesses are described as health conditions that can be managed with minimal treatment and/or self-care strategies. Additional criteria include: Usually a short-term condition Lab results aren’t usually required Low risk of treatment masking an underlying condition No medication or medical history red flags that could suggest a more serious condition Only minimal or short-term follow-up is required
How can my pharmacist help with a minor ailment?Pharmacists can assess and prescribe a prescription level medication when necessary rather than recommending a milder over- the-counter treatment for specific, less serious conditions, as outlined by the Ontario College of Pharmacists.
Which specific minor ailments can my pharmacist assess and prescribe medications for?Minor, or common, illnesses refer to conditions that can initially be managed with non-prescription therapy, such as allergies or skin irritations. All pharmacists can assess minor illnesses symptoms and recommend self-care or over-the-counter treatments. Pharmacists in Ontario can now also prescribe medications for certain minor illnesses, as identified below: Allergic rhinitis (nasal allergies) Candidal stomatitis (oral thrush) Conjunctivitis (pink eye, bacterial, allergic and viral) Dermatitis (atopic, eczema, allergic and contact) Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, heartburn) Hemorrhoids Herpes labialis (cold sores) Impetigo Insect bites and urticaria (hives) Tick bites, post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent Lyme disease Musculoskeletal sprains and strains Urinary tract infections (uncomplicated)
Do I need an appointment?No, you don’t need to make an appointment to speak with your pharmacist. If our store is open, you can consult with the pharmacist. We’re accessible and ready to see you.
Do I have to pay for an assessment and prescription for minor ailments?Assessment and prescribing for minor illnesses are covered by Ontario's Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). To be eligible for this service, you’d need to have a valid Ontario Health Number.
Will a Minor Ailments assessment always result in a prescription?After the pharmacist assesses a patient they, in conjunction with the patient, determine the appropriate course of action. This could be a prescription or a recommendation for an over-the-counter medication. If a pharmacist assesses your condition but feels it is serious or requires follow-up, he or she will refer you to a doctor for additional assessment.
Will my doctor be informed?Yes. Pharmacists are required to inform your primary physician when they write a prescription for you.
What if I do not have a doctor, can a pharmacist still prescribe for minor ailments?Yes. If the condition and treatment required are within pharmacists' prescribing limits, you may still receive treatment even if you do not have a doctor. This service is intended to improve access to health care.
What happens if my minor ailment turns out to be more serious?If your illness becomes more serious or you are not seeing improvements with the medication prescribed by your pharmacist, you will be referred to your doctor for a diagnosis. Your pharmacist is trained to recognize when an illness requires additional assessment and care beyond their scope.